El modelo neoliberal inhibe y reprime a la persona humana, en definitiva no la deja ser eficiente, eficaz y ser humano por sobre todas las cosas. Como lección y enseñanza hay que actuar con el trabajador y no contra el trabajador, es decir transformarlo en socio-inclusivo estratégico del negocio.
Pero lo que ocurre en la realidad es que el modelo no ayuda a realizar lo que nosotros queremos hacer en la empresa, con el recurso humano a través de la gestión.
Claves a tener presente.-
1.- Para el modelo su principal preocupación es lo cuantitativo, la cantidad de dinero, bienes, acciones, etc., y para la gestión de recurso humano lo primero es lo cualitativo, " La Persona " ontologicamente hablando.
- Hay una especie de trastocacion valorica a raíz de lo antes planteado, son como dos puntas de una misma madeja que funcionan en sintonias distintas.
2.- Los que gestionan el modelo manifiestan, que lo mas importante es la variable macroeconómica y la estructura y lo estructural, y por lo tanto no es importante lo microeconómico y las personas.( sustrato para el conflicto).
Los cambios estructurales son lejos más importantes que las personas, esto es econometria y crematística pura.
Crematística: Se produce para consumir y se consume para seguir produciendo. No se puede parar la economía y no tiene finalidad (ateleologico).
El modelo neoliberal inhibe y reprime a la persona humana, en definitiva no la deja ser eficiente, eficaz y ser humano por sobre todas las cosas. Como lección y enseñanza hay que actuar con el trabajador y no contra el trabajador, es decir transformarlo en socio-inclusivo estratégico del negocio.
Pero lo que ocurre en la realidad es que el modelo no ayuda a realizar lo que nosotros queremos hacer en la empresa, con el recurso humano a través de la gestión.
Claves a tener presente.-
1.- Para el modelo su principal preocupación es lo cuantitativo, la cantidad de dinero, bienes, acciones, etc., y para la gestión de recurso humano lo primero es lo cualitativo, " La Persona " ontologicamente hablando.
- Hay una especie de trastocacion valorica a raíz de lo antes planteado, son como dos puntas de una misma madeja que funcionan en sintonias distintas.
2.- Los que gestionan el modelo manifiestan, que lo mas importante es la variable macroeconómica y la estructura y lo estructural, y por lo tanto no es importante lo microeconómico y las personas.( sustrato para el conflicto).
Los cambios estructurales son lejos más importantes que las personas, esto es econometria y crematística pura.
Crematística: Se produce para consumir y se consume para seguir produciendo. No se puede parar la economía y no tiene finalidad (ateleologico).
Antivalores que sustentan el modelo económico neoliberal.
El modelo económico esta sustentado por dos antivalores:
1.- La avaricia. Y
2.- La codicia.
-El sistema economico se transforma en antisistemico.
-Sistema para Acumulación de la riqueza.
-Se genera, fundamenta y sustenta en antivalores
Las falacias de la Economía.-
Etimológicamente eco-casa-hogar-personas.
La economía entendida de acuerdo al significado etimológico es una ciencia social. Y utiliza la herramienta del mercado para repartir con justicia distributiva, pero paralelamente el estado corrige lo primero utilizando la justicia conmutativa.
La socio-economía.-
El objetivo central de la socioeconomía es la sustentabilidad del sistema y es el modelo opuesto al sistema económico neoliberal.
Ahora la pretensión de los economistas de ser “ellos” el sistema es soberbia pura y error grotesco.
Ya que al explicar la realidad, solamente desde el punto de vista económico (homus economicus), constituye una visión reduccionista, sesgada y relativista.
El modelo económico neoliberal ha llegado a tal punto de intervención de la naturaleza, que ya no es sustentable en el tiempo y el planeta como sistema y la propia naturaleza esta dando señales urgentes para que el ser humano modifique sus conductas o asuma la realidad y sus desastrosas consecuencias.
Dante Aligeri el autor de la divina comedia dice:
1.- “ el que entre que abandone toda bondad” esto quiere decir que el que se mete con el sistema neoliberal, que abandone toda bondad si quiere sobrevivir, ya que debe funcionar con el bien aparente, ser unidimensional, amoral, bestia, impersonal, egoísta, en definitiva elegir el mal menor.
2.- “En medio del viaje de la vida, uno se encuentra en un bosque oscuro en que el camino recto se había perdido”. Significa que el que se mete con el sistema neoliberal, se mete a las profundidades a la oscuridad donde no llega la luz. Tiene que ser listo y alienado.
3.- Virgilio le dice que hay un solo camino para escapar, vos deberías tomar otro sendero para escapar.” Significa, que si no quieres ser absorbido por el modelo económico neoliberal, hay que tomar otro rumbo totalmente opuesto. El modelo económico neoliberal se ha transformado en una religión.
ALFRED MAX NEEF economista dice:
Postula volver a la socioeconomía, dice que el modelo económico neoliberal se ha transformado en una religión, porque en 30 años a conseguido hacer lo que el cristianismo y musulmanes, no pudieron conseguir en dos mil años. Esto no es otra cosa que apoderarse del mundo.
1.- Uno de los problemas o fallas es que el modelo neoliberal, se presenta como un sistema y no como un verdadero subsistema.
2.- El sistema neoliberal se cree el poseedor de la verdad, que castiga y premia.
3.- Las características del modelo actual es dogmática (verdad absoluta, que no puede ser demostrada. Herejía significa cuestionar un dogma).
EIDEGER, decia el siglo veinte se caracteriza porque se le olvido pensar y reflexionar.
Finalidad de la gente actual.-
-El bolsillo.
-La bragueta.
-El estomago.
- El modelo neoliberal funciona como una religión, porque es simple para espíritus sencillos, que no ven la complejidad de la realidad actual.
Premisas Dogmáticas.-
1.- Son ingenuos y crédulos, no hay posibilidad de la razón, el que le da la pauta a llegado a la esencia de las cosas.
2.- Utiliza un lenguaje atemorizador de catástrofes, que van a ocurrir a futuro.
3.- Se proclama la verdad universal en el fondo el dogma y el economicismo. No hay realidad que no este manejada económicamente (hasta las que se dicen sin fines de lucro.)
4.- No se reconocen alternativas diferentes. Si una persona se revela viene toda una campaña orquestada de desprestigio y ataques personales para eliminarte.
5.- Como buen padre el sistema económico, nos impone sus criterios, sin respetar nuestros gustos y necesidades, sin ofrecer ninguna alternativa.
Una paradoja el neoliberalismo no quiere que las personas sean libres. Se impone el modelo y sus representantes nos dicen que con el modelo nos vamos a salvar.
6.- El método científico para el modelo es el mercado.
7.- Aparece como resultado de la aplicación del modelo el llamado “hombre nuevo”. El modelo presenta una característica fundamental “el infalibilísimo”, lo cual significa que el modelo no se equivoca nunca. Es omnipotente.
8.- El modelo se sustenta y fundamenta en modelos matemáticos, que le dan absoluta predictibilidad (es predictible).
9.- El modelo matemático es la respuesta infalible y precisa para todo. Que genera todas las respuestas a todas las preguntas y problemas. No hay formulas matemáticas simples, para establecer una predictibilidad a priori.
El LEVIATAN de locke, es el propio hombre, para nosotros, que todo lo destruye y se lo engulle, incluso al propio hombre.
10.- HEREJE: Es la única forma de salir y escapar del modelo económico, significa atacarlo y sacar a luz todas sus falencias. Ya que el sistema quiere gente comprometida y alienada.
Por ello todo lo que le conviene al sistema neoliberal atenta contra la salud mental de las personas.
11.- Ahora el modelo mecánico en el que se sustenta el modelo neoliberal, ya no resiste, ya no funciona atenta contra la persona, contra la naturaleza misma. De hecho en la universidad de harvard se dice que el modelo neoliberal es irracional. Ya no funciona y esta lleno de premisas falsas.
12.- Los modelos puramente económicos están condenados al fracaso. Porque propician al ser unidimensional y las personas son multidimensionales.
13.- Estamos llenos de incongruencias y contradicciones. Sus postulados son esencialmente falsos y contradictorios. Con ello se crea un modelo sistémico, antinatural, que atenta contra los componentes del sistema.
Cada persona debe solucionar sus conflictos y problemas en forma individual.
14.- Los economistas ignoran abiertamente la complejidad de la realidad, ya que toda realidad la reducen a números. Economía a escala humana.
15.- Las consecuencias de la aplicación del modelo en el siglo 21 son impredecibles. Por ejemplo el efecto del CO2, va durar 50 años mas en el futuro, lo que significa que los efectos dañinos provocados por este gas a la atmósfera humana y al clima, ya es irreversible y hemos condenado a las generaciones futuras.
16.- La simplicidad huele a falsedad y los economistas son capaces de simplicar y reducir todo.
17.- El modelo tiene estructurado mecanismos para atacar, aislar y borrar del mapa las personas, que se revelen contra el poder económico del sistema neoliberal. Se le coarta el acceso al trabajo, educación, capacitación, créditos, emprendimientos, etc…
Maynes Keines esta de acuerdo con el sistema de libre mercado, pero con una mayor intervension del estado para equilibrar el modelo, hacerlo mas social, mas humano, mas cercano y empatico con los problemas de las personas en el día a día.
The neoliberal model inhibits and suppresses the human person, is ultimately not leave it to be efficient, effective and human being above all else. As a teaching lesson and we must act with the worker and not the worker, ie transform-inclusive strategic partner in the business.
But what happens in reality is that the model does not help us to do what we want to do in the company, with the human resource through management.
Keys to bear in mind .-
1 .- To model their main concern is what quantity, the amount of money, property, stocks, etc.., And the management of human resources is the first qualitative, "Person" ontológicamente speaking.
-- There is a kind of trastaocacion valórica resulting in raised before, are like two ends of a single skein operating in sintonias different.
2 .- Those who manage the model manifest, which is the most important macroeconomic variable and structure and structural, and therefore it is not important what microeconomic and individuals. (Substrate to the conflict).
Structural changes are far more important than people, this is econometrics and crematística pure.
Crematística: It occurs to consume and consumed to continue producing. Unable to stop the economy and has no purpose (ateleologico).
Antivalores underpinning the neoliberal economic model.
The economic model is supported by two anti:
1 .- The greed. And
2 .- Greed.
- The economic system becomes antisistemico.
System-Accumulation of wealth.
- It generates, founded and based on antivalues
The fallacies of the economy .-
Etymologically eco-house-home-people.
Nomia standards---law principles.
The economy understood according to the etymological meaning is a social science. And use tool for market share with distributive justice, but in parallel the state corrects the first using commutative justice.
The socio-economy .-
The central objective of the socio-economics is the sustainability of the system and the model is opposed to neoliberal economic system.
Now the economists claim to be "them" the system is pure arrogance and grotesque mistake.
Since explaining reality, only from the economic point of view (homus economicus) is a reductionist view, biased and relativistic.
The neoliberal economic model has reached such a point of intervention of nature, and that is not sustainable over time and the planet as a system in itself is showing signs urgent nature to human beings or modifying their behaviors and their assume reality disastrous consequences.
Dante Aligeri the author of the Divine Comedy said:
1 .- "which among abandon any kindness" this means that that gets to the neo-liberal system, which leaves all goodness if it wants to survive, it must operate with the apparent well be one-dimensional, amoral, beast, impersonal , selfish, ultimately choosing the lesser of two evils.
2 .- "In the middle of the journey of life, one is in a dark wood where the straight way was lost." It means that that gets to the neo-liberal system, gets into the depths of the dark where light does not reach. It has to be ready and alienated.
3 .- Virgil tells you that there is only one way to escape, you should take another path to escape. "Means that you do not have to be absorbed by the neoliberal economic model, we have to take another direction completely opposite. The neoliberal economic model has been transformed into a religion.
Alfred Max. Neef .-
Postula return to the socio-economics, said that the neoliberal economic model has been transformed into a religion, because in 30 years managed to do what the Christians and Muslims, they were unable to achieve in two thousand years. This is nothing more than seizing the world.
1 .- One of the problems or flaws is that the neoliberal model, is presented as a system and not as a true subsystem.
2 .- The neoliberal system is believed the keeper of the truth, which punishes and rewards.
3 .- The characteristics of the current model is dogmatic (absolute truth, which can not be demonstrated. Heresy means questioning a dogma).
EIDEGER, decia the twentieth century is marked because he forgot to think and reflect.
Purpose of the people present .-
- The pocket.
- The fly.
- The stomach.
-- The neoliberal model serves as a religion, because it is simple for simple minds, who do not see the complexity of current reality.
Assumptions Dogmáticas .-
1 .- They are naive and gullible, there is no possibility of reason, which gives the pattern to come to the essence of things.
2 .- Use language atemorizador catastrophe, which will occur in the future.
3 .- It proclaims the universal truth in the background dogma and economism. There is no reality that is not handled economically (to say that nonprofit.)
4 .- Not recognizing alternatives. If a person is revealed comes across an orchestrated campaign to discredit and to remove personal attacks.
5 .- As a good father, the economic system, it imposes its criteria, without respecting our tastes and needs, without offering any alternative.
A paradox neoliberalism does not want people to be free. It imposes the model and its representatives tell us that the model we are going to save.
6 .- The scientific method for the model is the market.
7 .- appears as a result of the application of the model called "new man". The model presents a fundamental characteristic "infalibilísimo", which means that the model makes no mistakes ever. It is omnipotent.
8 .- The model is based and based on mathematical models, which give absolute predictability (predictible).
9 .- The mathematical model is infallible and accurate answer for everything. That generates all the answers to all the questions and problems. There is no simple mathematical formulas, to establish a predictable in advance.
The LEVIATAN of "Locke", is the man himself, for us, it destroys everything and swallows it, even the man himself.
10 .- HEREJE: It is the only way to escape the economic model, it means attacking and bring forth all its flaws. Because the system wants people committed and alienated.
Therefore everything that he agrees the system neoliberal attack on the mental health of individuals.
11 .- Now the mechanical model in which underpin the neoliberal model, it no longer resists, no longer works violates the individual against nature itself. In fact at the University of harvard stated that the neo-liberal model is irrational. It does not work and is full of false assumptions.
12 .- The purely economic models are doomed to failure. Because conducive to be one-dimensional and people are multidimensional.
13 .- We are full of inconsistencies and contradictions. Its tenets are essentially false and contradictory. This creates a systemic model, unnatural that detracts from the system components.
Each person must resolve their conflicts and problems on an individual basis.
14 .- Economists openly ignored the complexity of reality, since any reality to reduce the numbers. Economy on a human scale.
15 .- The consequences of the application of the model in the 21 century are unpredictable. For example, the effect of CO2 will last 50 years more in the future, which means that the harmful effects caused by this gas to the atmosphere and the human environment, it is irreversible and we have condemned future generations.
16 .- The simplicity smells of falsehood and economists are able to simplify and reduce everything.
17 .- The model is structured mechanisms to attack, isolate and remove people from the map, which can be disclosed against neo-liberal economic system. He was impeded access to work, education, training, credit, developers, etc.…
Maynes Keines this according to the free market system, but with greater state intervention to balance the system, make it more social and more human nearest and empatico with the problems of people on a daily basis.
The neoliberal model inhibits and suppresses the human person, is ultimately not leave it to be efficient, effective and human being above all else. As a teaching lesson and we must act with the worker and not the worker, ie transform-inclusive strategic partner in the business.
But what happens in reality is that the model does not help us to do what we want to do in the company, with the human resource through management.
Keys to bear in mind .-
1 .- To model their main concern is what quantity, the amount of money, property, stocks, etc.., And the management of human resources is the first qualitative, "Person" ontológicamente speaking.
-- There is a kind of trastaocacion valórica resulting in raised before, are like two ends of a single skein operating in sintonias different.
2 .- Those who manage the model manifest, which is the most important macroeconomic variable and structure and structural, and therefore it is not important what microeconomic and individuals. (Substrate to the conflict).
Structural changes are far more important than people, this is econometrics and crematística pure.
Crematística: It occurs to consume and consumed to continue producing. Unable to stop the economy and has no purpose (ateleologico).
Antivalores underpinning the neoliberal economic model.
The economic model is supported by two anti:
1 .- The greed. And
2 .- Greed.
- The economic system becomes antisistemico.
System-Accumulation of wealth.
- It generates, founded and based on antivalues
The fallacies of the economy .-
Etymologically eco-house-home-people.
Nomia standards---law principles.
The economy understood according to the etymological meaning is a social science. And use tool for market share with distributive justice, but in parallel the state corrects the first using commutative justice.
The socio-economy .-
The central objective of the socio-economics is the sustainability of the system and the model is opposed to neoliberal economic system.
Now the economists claim to be "them" the system is pure arrogance and grotesque mistake.
Since explaining reality, only from the economic point of view (homus economicus) is a reductionist view, biased and relativistic.
The neoliberal economic model has reached such a point of intervention of nature, and that is not sustainable over time and the planet as a system in itself is showing signs urgent nature to human beings or modifying their behaviors and their assume reality disastrous consequences.
Dante Aligeri the author of the Divine Comedy said:
1 .- "which among abandon any kindness" this means that that gets to the neo-liberal system, which leaves all goodness if it wants to survive, it must operate with the apparent well be one-dimensional, amoral, beast, impersonal , selfish, ultimately choosing the lesser of two evils.
2 .- "In the middle of the journey of life, one is in a dark wood where the straight way was lost." It means that that gets to the neo-liberal system, gets into the depths of the dark where light does not reach. It has to be ready and alienated.
3 .- Virgil tells you that there is only one way to escape, you should take another path to escape. "Means that you do not have to be absorbed by the neoliberal economic model, we have to take another direction completely opposite. The neoliberal economic model has been transformed into a religion.
Alfred Max. Neef .-
Postula return to the socio-economics, said that the neoliberal economic model has been transformed into a religion, because in 30 years managed to do what the Christians and Muslims, they were unable to achieve in two thousand years. This is nothing more than seizing the world.
1 .- One of the problems or flaws is that the neoliberal model, is presented as a system and not as a true subsystem.
2 .- The neoliberal system is believed the keeper of the truth, which punishes and rewards.
3 .- The characteristics of the current model is dogmatic (absolute truth, which can not be demonstrated. Heresy means questioning a dogma).
EIDEGER, decia the twentieth century is marked because he forgot to think and reflect.
Purpose of the people present .-
- The pocket.
- The fly.
- The stomach.
-- The neoliberal model serves as a religion, because it is simple for simple minds, who do not see the complexity of current reality.
Assumptions Dogmáticas .-
1 .- They are naive and gullible, there is no possibility of reason, which gives the pattern to come to the essence of things.
2 .- Use language atemorizador catastrophe, which will occur in the future.
3 .- It proclaims the universal truth in the background dogma and economism. There is no reality that is not handled economically (to say that nonprofit.)
4 .- Not recognizing alternatives. If a person is revealed comes across an orchestrated campaign to discredit and to remove personal attacks.
5 .- As a good father, the economic system, it imposes its criteria, without respecting our tastes and needs, without offering any alternative.
A paradox neoliberalism does not want people to be free. It imposes the model and its representatives tell us that the model we are going to save.
6 .- The scientific method for the model is the market.
7 .- appears as a result of the application of the model called "new man". The model presents a fundamental characteristic "infalibilísimo", which means that the model makes no mistakes ever. It is omnipotent.
8 .- The model is based and based on mathematical models, which give absolute predictability (predictible).
9 .- The mathematical model is infallible and accurate answer for everything. That generates all the answers to all the questions and problems. There is no simple mathematical formulas, to establish a predictable in advance.
The LEVIATAN of "Locke", is the man himself, for us, it destroys everything and swallows it, even the man himself.
10 .- HEREJE: It is the only way to escape the economic model, it means attacking and bring forth all its flaws. Because the system wants people committed and alienated.
Therefore everything that he agrees the system neoliberal attack on the mental health of individuals.
11 .- Now the mechanical model in which underpin the neoliberal model, it no longer resists, no longer works violates the individual against nature itself. In fact at the University of harvard stated that the neo-liberal model is irrational. It does not work and is full of false assumptions.
12 .- The purely economic models are doomed to failure. Because conducive to be one-dimensional and people are multidimensional.
13 .- We are full of inconsistencies and contradictions. Its tenets are essentially false and contradictory. This creates a systemic model, unnatural that detracts from the system components.
Each person must resolve their conflicts and problems on an individual basis.
14 .- Economists openly ignored the complexity of reality, since any reality to reduce the numbers. Economy on a human scale.
15 .- The consequences of the application of the model in the 21 century are unpredictable. For example, the effect of CO2 will last 50 years more in the future, which means that the harmful effects caused by this gas to the atmosphere and the human environment, it is irreversible and we have condemned future generations.
16 .- The simplicity smells of falsehood and economists are able to simplify and reduce everything.
17 .- The model is structured mechanisms to attack, isolate and remove people from the map, which can be disclosed against neo-liberal economic system. He was impeded access to work, education, training, credit, developers, etc.…
Maynes Keines this according to the free market system, but with greater state intervention to balance the system, make it more social and more human nearest and empatico with the problems of people on a daily basis.
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